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May Events

May was another busy month for the AutonomouStuff team, hosting meetups and attending shows around the world. Stops included Tech.AD China, XPONENTIAL and the World Intelligence Congress. The schedule of times and topics for more meetup events can be found here for anyone who wants to absorb the discussion or add to it. AS team members also will continue to globe trot for events throughout the rest of the year. Check the calendar for those long planned and recently added.


The AutonomouStuff team partnered up with fellow Hexagon family member MSC Software to deliver an epic event.

One of our longest-attended events, XPONENTIAL 2019 allowed us to showcase a recently added product, the FLIR ADK. This thermal infrared camera yields notable sensor technology for pedestrian detection, reliably classifying people in cluttered environments and giving analytics the critical information needed for automated decision-making.

Thermal vision is another technology with potential applications for drones. That fit well with the XPONENTIAL audience, largely consisting of drone customers and exhibitors.



Tech.AD China

Tech.AD China is Asia’s leading event in testing and validation, sensor fusion, deep driving, operational safe systems, cognitive vehicles, software architectures and much more.
The event turned out to be a huge success, with our Director of Sales and Business Development APAC Teng Hoong Swee speaking on automated driving in China and its future.
The rest of the China team helped staff a booth that held a WEY VV6, equipped with our proprietary Lidar Object Processing (LOP) Software. This impressive set up showed the real-time view of the three-dimensional point cloud data from the Velodyne VLP-32C. Attendees could see how this LiDAR sensor establishes the ground plane and tracks objects above it.


World Intelligence Congress

Our Director of Sales and Business Development for APAC Teng Hoong Swee is at the World Intelligence Congress in Tianjin with TierIV.
This is a great stage to promote TierIV Autoware and introduce our Open Autonomy Pilot program. The Autoware Kit, integrated in our automated platform at the event, includes the latest in high-end industrialized computing, 3D LiDAR, automotive radar and positioning technology.
An advanced software stack provides many of the necessary tools for navigating difficult urban environments, which is key to our China customers.
Swee also participated in a panel discussion later in the week, where he discussed “enabling autonomous everything at China speed."